Beta1.0 (Dec 2nd 2010) -Revamped font engine to use less flash memory. select_font() must be called see wiki for details. -Full print system for all data types, no more print_str instead use print(). -rewrote draw_circle faster uses different arguments. -removed draw_box replaced with draw_rect faster easier. -added draw_row very fast horizontal line drawing. -added draw_column very fast column drawing. -added force functions for startline outputdelay and vertical scale. -remove fs_bitmap and replaced with general bitmap function. -added shift function to move screen in any direction. -delay now takes ms delays, delay_frames still takes frames. -millis replacement returns ms since begin was called. -added 4 and 3 cycle render routines for horizontal resolutions of up to 256. -added vertical and horizontal blanking hook functions for automatic polling. -added end function to clean up system. -started lowering memory footprint R6 (June 2010) (Currently Beta at 5.9): -transitioned API to a more be more "arduino like", macros were included maintain compatibility, with the exception of the start_render(mode,x,y) which has no such compatibility layer. -created a fill method that will either fill the screen with white or black or invert the screen. clear_screen() and invert() are now macro calls of fill() -switched to an 8x8 font because of the simplicity and speed of rendering by the byte, all character printing is now restricted x's that are multiples of 8 to reflect this x is now taken as a multiple of 8pixels. -encapsolated all global variables into structs. one for the video portion and one for the audio portion. -the interrupt now uses the timer1 overflow vector. Leaving compare match b for intitiating the rendering(does not do this yet) -the line handler portion of line interrupt is now handled by a function pointer and functions that corrispond to each of the 3 possible line types. -Switched the actual rendering to an assembly loop that will work for resolutions all the way up to 192pixels(at 16mhz). This cuts off down the required flash by 1.5kbytes. -Moved Hardware specific deffinitions to there on hardware_setup.h file. -fixed the number of lines in the PAL mode, Thanks Lover on forums. -Added circle function thank you Andy Crook -Added box function thank you Andy Crook R5 (May 27th 2010): -Fixed a render bug preventing a full white screen -Fixed the get_pixel function actually works now -reverted to original version of the draw_line function works correctly now -added gijs( forums) invert function inverts the whole screen -added nootropic( forums) tone generation system -added a full screen bitmap function, very limited will be expanded upon. R4.x (May 19th 2010): -fixed sanguino support, works properly in R4.6 R4 (May 18th 2010): -Added support for runtime resolution setup. -start_render(mode,hres,vres) -cleaned up the rendering code. -If speed/low memory usage is required it is recommended that R3 is used and the resolution is changed in the video_properties.h file. -Added sanguino support, untested. R3 (May 9th 2010): -Added horz_res(), vert_res(), char_line(), get_pixel(x,y) -horz_res/vert_res gets resolution of screen -char_line gets the number of characters that will fit on a line -get_pixel gets the status of x,y returns 1 for white 0 for black. -rewrote the line render functions -fixed bugs preventing changes in resolution and pixel scaling -automatically centers the screen vertically -added arduino mega support, untested -Sync pin: pin11 -Video pin: pin12 -changing the redering resolution is now supported. to do so change the virtical and horizontal resolution in video_properties.h -Note: (_RESOLUTION_HORIZONTAL/8)*_RESOLUTION_VERTICAL must be less than the amount of memory the arduino has. R2 (May 2nd 2010): -Added PAL support: -to render in pal call start_render(_PAL); -to render in NTSC call start_render(_NTSC); -centered video better. -reduced system to useing one interupt, this will allow for adding sound, and or support for polling the UART/SPI/ect. once per scanline. -now renders full half frames(262 lines) instead of 255 lines for NTSC -modified fonts to be less horrid looking. -slightly faster line rendering. -Fixed issue with line rendering not working on last horizonal pixel -added support for pausing video; output still issues h sync -pause: pause_render(); -resume: resume_render(); -This does cause a Vsync glitch for the first frame, recovers after soon. R1 (April 30th 2010): Initial release.